“Become the person who is needed!”  This is my belief.

And now I started dry food manufacturing business in Cambodia, because dry food is the simplest way to preserve crops for a long time without refrigeration or freezing.

and I believe that this food preservation processing is really “needed”.

The dry food we produce are made without any additives, chemicals, or sugar, even if it takes more time and effort for processing, and the natural taste and nutrients are condensed, making them safe and healthy, and try to offer at price that many people can eat.

Because I think that unless such as good dry food, they will not be able to fulfill the role that I will talk later, and they will not be needed.

In the past, in Japan, I was brought up under strict discipline that throwing away food is blasphemy to the life and it’s sin.

I have no intention of forcing such a mental theory on others, but it is also true that the large amount of food loss is occurring in Japan and all over the world

Somebody said that food loss may not be so much big problem now and for the time being, but needless to say, there will definitely be the global food shortage in the very near future.

By the time food shortages come, first of all, food loss in the current upstream process, that is, production, harvesting, and distribution, should be eliminated, and make situation that food production can be further increased. If they can’t, I think food shortage is going to be furthermore serious problem in the very near future.

I heard that even in Cambodia, there are many situations in which farmers have no choice but to throw away the crops that they have grown with great effort. Because if fruits and vegetables that spoil quickly cannot be sold before they spoil, they will rot and have to be thrown away.

Then, if there is one option to sell the harvested vegetables and fruits for preservation processing other than selling them to the fresh market, first of all, it is for preservation processing, so we can always purchase stable amount.

So, if quantity of selling for preservation processing increases, upstream food loss will decrease accordingly. 

And, as I talked earlier, if we can produce dry food that many people will be happy with and spread widely, I think it will be possible to achieve what I just talk now.

And as farmers no longer throw away their crops, I think they will feel like increasing production. 

In this way, we will do our best to contribute to reducing upstream food loss, increasing food production, and avoiding the problem of food shortages as much as possible.

I was allowed to talk so big thing here, but I know my power and knowledge are quite little. 

I would greatly appreciate your help and advice from now on.
